

  • PALZOL is a Plant Growth Regulators (PGRs), that are molecules that influence the development of plants and are generally active at very low concentrations.
  • PALZOL is a Plant growth and nutrition substances that have a key role in different physiological processes related to development of crops. PALZOL Changes in the levels of plant hormones and nutrients due to stress can adversely affect crop growth. PALZOL with paclobutrazol 40% is one of the best in the category. PALZOL is a known antagonist of the plant hormone gibberellin. PALZOLacts by inhibiting gibberellin biosynthesis, reducing internodial growth to give stouter stems, increasing root growth, causing early fruitset and increasing seedset in plants.

Seasonal cycle

Application Effect

Associated Benefits

Foliage Growth

Controls Tree Vigour

•Reduces pruning costs

•Allows higher density planting

•Easier to achieve optimum tree shape

•Rejuvenation of older trees


Earlier flowering Cycle
Increased flowering uniformity
Increased flowering intensity

•Escape some pest and disease cycles

•Higher Yields


Increased Yields
Higher sugar content

Improves Fruit Colour
Reduction in picking frequency

•Improves palatability

•Improves early yield return

•Better presentation

Crop Pest CIB DOSE/Ha Water Litre/Ha
Pigeon Pea At Flowering initiation stage 75 500 litre/ha