

  • Cleane 71 is a non-selective, systemic herbicide of Organophosphorus group. It works by inhibiting an essential plant enzyme called EPSPS (5-enolpyruvyl – shikimate -3 – phosphate synthase). Inhibition of this enzyme prevents the production of aromatic amino acids required for protein synthesis within the plant. Lack of the protein synthesis results  the death of treated plants.
Crop Weed CIB DOSE / Ha Water volume litre/ha
Tea & Non Crop area Acalypha indica 3kg 500
Sida aculata
Ipomea digitarea
Chicorium intybus
Digera arvensis
Digitaria sanguinalis
Paspalum conjugatum
Ageratum conyzoides
Cynondon dactylon
Cyperus rotunedus
Eragrostis spp.