
  • Fipronil 2.92% w/w Emulsifiable Concentrate (EC) is recommended for the control of termites in buildings through pre & post constructiontreatments.
  • Recommendation

Direction of Use

  • Fipronil 2.92% w/w EC (Agenda? 25 EC) shall be applied at 0.25% al concentration i.e: 100 ml formulated product diluted in 1 litre of water for the control of termites in buildings during pre and post construction. Treatment should be as per IS 6313 (Part-2): 2001 i.e. Pre constructional chemical treatment measures and IS 6313 (Part-3): 2001 Le treatment for existing building as follows.
  • Pre-Construction: The chemical emulsion shall be applied uniformly at the prescribed rate in all the stages of treatment. Hand operated sprayer or watering can should be used for application of chemical emulsion Treatment of Masonry Foundations:
    1. Bottom surface and sides of foundation pits upto a height of 30 cm should be treated @ 5 ltr. chemical emulsion per sq. mtr of surface area
    2. Back fill earth in immediate contact with the foundation structure should be treated @ 7.5 ir per sq mtr of the vertical surface, of thesubstructure for each side.
    3. Treatment of RCC Foundations: Treatment should start at a depth of 50 cm below ground level @7.5 tr. per sq. mtr.
    4. Treatment of Top surface of plinth filling: The top surface of the consolidated earth within plinth walls shall be treated with chemical emulsion at the rate of 5 tr/m2 of the surface before the sand bed or sub-grade is laid.
    5. Soil treatment along external perimeter of building: Earth along the external walls of the building should be rodded at intervals of 15 cmand to a depth of 30 cm exposing the foundation wall surface. Chemical solution should be poured along the wall @ 7.5 ltr per sq mtr ofvertical surface.
    6. Treatment of soil under apron along external perimeter of Building: Top surface of the earth over which the apron is to be laid shall betreated with chemical solution @ 5 ltr per sq mtr. of the vertical surface.
  • Post Construction:
    1. Soil treatment along external perimeter of building: Earth along the external walls of the building should be rodded at intervals of 15 cm and to a depth of 30 cm exposing the foundation wall surface. Chemical solution should be poured along the wall @7.5 ltr per sq. mtr. ofvertical surface.
    2. Treatment of sod under apron along external perimeter of Building: Top surface of the earth over which the apron is to be laid shall betreated with chemical solution @ 5 Ltr per sq mtr. of the vertical surface.
    3. Treatment of soil under floor. To prevent entry of termites from cracks, soil under floor should be treated. Drill 12 mm holes at the junctionof floor and wall at 30 cm interval to reach the soil below. Squirt the chemical solution @ 1 ltr per hole and seal.
    4. Treatment of voids in masonry: The movement of termites through masonry walls may be restricted by drilling holes in masonry wall at about 45? angle preferably from both sides of the plinth wall at 30 cm interval and squirt the chemical in holes till refusal and seal the holes
    5. Treatment of Upper Floors: In case of infestation in upper floors, treat ground floor of the existing building as described above.