
  • Accelerates the growth of fibrous roots.
  • Helps plants get more nutrients and water from the soil.
  • Includes phosphorus and other nutrients.
  • Result in vigorous and healthy plants.
  • Protect plants against adverse unfavorable conditions like drought
  • Enhancing flowering and fruiting.
  • Increases crop production
  • Maintains soil texture.

Dosage and method of application:
Broadcast 4 kg of MycoMagic granules per acre near the root. Consumption according to plant age for horticultural crops.
Care at the time of consumption of granules:
There must be moisture during application. Use of MycoMagic with organic scissors gives good results.


For Seed spread Seed Dipping Drenching in Soil Soil Treatment Drip irrigation
Sowing time Transplanting Any suitable time
2-10 gram 1 kg Seeds 10gram 1 liter water (Soak the roots in water for 10 minutes) 100 gram to 200 gram per acre 100 gram to 500 gram per acre 100 gram to 200 gram per acre


Spray 5 ml Mycomagic/1 liter water
Drip Irrigation 1 liter MycoMagic Per Acre