

  • CapProm contains phosphorus in a soluble from. This phosphate rich organic manure improves the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil and increases crop production. It improves electrical conductivity of soil and enhances the activity of beneficial microorganisms in soil. It also balances the soil pH. It helps in humus formation. It also improves the germination percentage of seeds and helps in effective root development. It improves the resistance power of crops against various disease. It is a complete Eco-friendly product

Dosage Chart:

Crop Dosage per acre (While Sowing) Dosage per acre (Standing Crop)
Soyabean 100 Kg
Potato 100 Kg
Onion 100 Kg
Garlic 100 Kg
Wheat 100 Kg
Gram 100 Kg
Green Chilies 100 Kg 100 Kg
Tomato 100 Kg 100 Kg
Cotton 100 Kg 100 Kg
Vegetables 100 Kg 100 Kg
Fruit Orchards 100 Kg 500 gm per plant Every 3 months