
Vermicop has a plethora of benefits, most importantly as follows:

(1)it acts as bio fertilizers, restores soil nutrients, stabilizes soil and enhances soil fertility at a long-term period

(2)it attends to social issues and recycles waste

(3)it is shown to be a profitable enterprise as a circular economy

Crop Quantity to apply per acre Time to apply
Rice 1 tonne After transplanting
Sugarcane 11/2 tonnes Last ploughing
Cotton 1 tonne Last ploughing
Chilli 1 tonne Last ploughing
Groundnut 1/2 tonne Last ploughing
Sunflower 1 1/2 tonne Last ploughing
Maize 1 tonne Last ploughing
Turmeric 1 tonne Last ploughing
Grape 1 tonne June-July
Citrus Pomegranate, ber, guav 2 kg per tree At planting time and before flowering in 1-2 year old trees
Mango, coconut 2 kg per tree
5 kg per tree
10 kg per tree
20 kg per tree
At planting time
1-5 year old trees
6-9 year old trees
Trees older than 10 years
Onion, garlic, tomato, potato, bhendi, brinjal, cabbage, cauliflower 1-1 1 / 2 tonnes Last ploughing
Teak, red sandal- wood, mangium 3 kg per tree At planting time