
  • FungVeria effectively controls most of the economically important pest such as borers, Cutworms, root grubs, leaf hoppers, whitefly, Aphids, Thrips and Mealy bug.
  • FungVeria helps to increase productivity by improving the crop health through containing the pests.
  • FungVeria is eco-friendly and helps to maintain the ecological balance.
  • FungVeria dose not create residence, resurgence or residue problems.
  • FungVeria is safe to natural enemies of pest such as beneficial parasites and beneficial predators and thus offers a long lasting pest control.
  • FungVeria from a good molecule for use in an IPM programmed and thereby helps to reduce the pesticides load in the atmosphere.


Liquid Powder
1.2 liter per Acre 1.6 liter per Acre
  • FungVeria is Compability with Neem and other bio –pesticide products.
  • Don’t Make tank mix of FungVera with fungicides.